Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Signs and handmage typography in Cyprus

Through my research on Cyprus's identity and typography I took a walk in streets taking photos. I start my research by observing the printed and handmade typography with the purpose to see what is being used by Cypriots to express their identity.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Latin lowecase

Roman lowecase

Investigating the relationships between the shapes of roman and the latin alphabet

[The above Latin types, are being used in online communication to represent Greek Cypriot sounds]

[Experiment to find solutions for double unvoiced plosives (ττ, ππ, κκ) which are pronounced aspirated ([th], [ph], [kh]

Major project - Georgia

My Major project is about Cypriot dialect and the lack of an appropriate script to represent Cypriot identity. Although Cypriots use Roman Alphabet on writing, Roman Alphabet does not include all the speech sounds of Cypriot Greek dialect.

I have always been fascinated by exploring different ways of communication.
The motivating force behind the proposition of this project is my strong interest in the dialect that Cypriots use and the failure of the writing system to represent all the speech sounds included in the dialect.

For the purposes of a recent project (Unit 1), a survey regarding the different ways of communication in Cyprus was conducted. The research focused on the online communication within my online social network circles. An attempt was made to portray Cyprus’ distinctiveness in communication, as Cypriots’ communication system varies in formal and informal speaking and in formal and informal writing.

The plan for the major project is the conduction of a multi-layered research of Cyprus’ culture, by focusing on the lack of an appropriate mechanism in the writing system and to explore, if and how, this has an influence on the verbal communication. The aim is to investigate the language attitudes in Cyprus in order to review in what extend language is a factor in the construction of a
country’s identity.

As a step further to my research and as an answer to the existing problem there will be an attempt to suggest solutions that will give Cypriots a better script to express their language and their identity more appropriately.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Matthieu's MPP

How to enhance Brussels’ identity not only to reconfirm its status as the capital of Europe, but also to make its citizens proud of their own city?

The complexity in defining Brussels’ identity is the reason why I decided to develop a visual identity for the city. The identity issues that we come across in Belgium or Brussels are the same ones we encounter at a bigger scale: Europe. Indeed, Belgium or Europe are examples of nations where applying one identity based on a single vision would be a failure as they are made of an intricate mixture of different cultures. Therefore creating an identity capable of combining different identities in an equitable way would be the appropriate answer, as it will:

1. Relinquish Brussels image in the heart of its inhabitants, allowing the Brusselers to be proud of their city again.

2. Communicate a unique, multi-cultural and clear identity to the international communities, which would allow the city to reinstate its status as European Capital.

Furthermore, experimenting and creating a new multi-facet identity for the city Brussels, seems like an evident choice, not only because it is the capital of Europe, but also because Belgium has always been considered as the laboratory of the EU in terms of cultural cohabitation.

During this project I will investigate on city branding and culture branding. I will try to understand how a culture can be branded, and define the different characteristics of each Belgian community and how they interact with each other.

Therefore, I will also carry a deep research not only on Brussels, (Investigate it’s political situation in Belgium, it’s history within Europe, it’s inhabitants, bilingual status, Architecture…) but I will also study the aspects both the Flemish and the Walloon culture and I will compare their different characteristics.

I will also investigate the area of generative systems and flexible identities. The aim of my assignment will be to create a visual identity that would convey a very specific image of Brussels that would be only applicable to this great city.